Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find your loadouts?

You can visit my Instagram to view current loadouts or you can tune into the live stream on Facebook and type “!weapon” into chat. For example; “!kilo” and the bot will respond with the attachments that I use.

Can I play with you?

I play with Supporters at least once a week, normally on Sundays. I also do follower games once a month. Other than that I play with the same group of people to ensure the content remains consistent! If you’re a fellow streamer and want to do a collaboration, message Sapper Gaming or email me!

I want to start streaming, where do I start?

I recommend doing your research before you start! Streaming is not for the weak minded, you have to put in a lot of work behind the scenes and a LOT of time live. I recommend you get a PC if you don’t have one to start. Then get a cheap webcam and lighting and just simply START. Try to do everything you can for free because streaming can be very expensive to start with all the necessary gear and equipment that the pros have. YouTube will be your best friend to figure out all the hardware and graphics that you need to have a good looking channel/stream. Also ask yourself how you are approaching this, is this going to be a hobby or a business?

How long have you been streaming?

I have been streaming since April 22nd, 2020.

How much do you stream?

I average about 4-6 hours on weekdays and 8-16 hours on the weekends.

What is your favorite flavor crayon?

Purple all day everyday.

Where can I find your PC Specs?

Go to the website home page and click on Specs

What is a “Sapper”?

A Sapper, also called pioneer or combat engineer, is a combatant or soldier who performs a variety of military engineering duties such as breaching fortifications, demolitions, bridge-building, laying or clearing minefields, preparing field defenses, as well as working on road and airfield construction and repair. They are also trained to serve as infantry personnel in defensive and offensive operations. A sapper's duties are devoted to tasks involving facilitating movement, defense and survival of allied forces and impeding those of enemies.

Where are you from?

I am from Michigan but currently stationed in North Carolina (USA).

Why did you start streaming?

A couple of my buddies said that I should try it out because I am good at video games and entertaining. At the time I didn’t even watch any streamers so I started watching them figured out what I needed and started the next week!

Do you play with controller or KBM?

I play with a SCUF Prestige controller.